Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Soaker hose

I've tried hard this year to only rely on the water in my rain barrels for my plants and vegetables, but we've had a little bit of a dry spell so I had to pull out the hose.
You've probably heard of people making soaker hoses out of their old ones but here is a better idea - use your kids old Slip and Slide. Just cut the "slide" part off and attach the tube portion to your hose. It already has the holes in and they are spaced perfectly apart. You can even use the stakes to secure it in the ground. I have a few of these that I just leave hidden in between flower beds and when the dry spell comes I just bring the regular hose out and attach it and I'm good to go.


Jennie said...

Good idea! Those cosmos look great. Can you get seed from them? I want some if you do.

Jen said...

Yes, they do produce seeds. The Klondyke Cosmos (you know, the orange ones) reseed themselves if you don't take them off. So even though they are annuals, they keep coming back each year.